Introduction to Docker

Yesterday, I gave a full day training on Docker. It was a introductory level course covering basics of Docker and introducing tools like Docker Compose and Docker Swarm. I also demoed these features and conducted hands-on session.

I throughly enjoyed the process of preparation and delivering the training. I think I was able to communicate the material I had planned to deliver and was able to clear the doubts, concepts.

I made my slides as verbose as possible so that the students could follow the steps after the training also.

Experience with reveal.js

Anyway, the final output of my slides was satisfying and I would prefer reveal.js instead of using any binary format like PowerPoint etc. In fact, in coming days I plan to convert all my old presentations into reveal.js.

Finally here is the link to my presentation. Press s key to see the presenter notes:

If you want to refer the Markdown code for these slides check out on my github repo.